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Spilled Milk

Bitter Foods Cover.JPG

Spoken Word

Spoken Word

Artistic Statement

Artistic Statement

I often tell people, "I can't offer you much, but I can offer you understanding." As an artist, I feel that one of my greatest gifts is to understand. It's one of the few things in this life that can be given for free (if you get creative). So, in my work I strive for impartiality when creating characters or a narrative. In this way, I can allow the audience to meet me halfway in the effort of finding the meaning of my work. I don't want to tell you these characters you've just seen are good or a bad. They just are who they are, and here's a little backstory as to why; and if you view them as good or bad, then ask yourself, "Why is that?" I can only hope people offer me as much grace.

I am also motivated by the duality of humankind. I think it is fascinating to see someone who possibly falls into a stereotype, but upon further examination they are the exact opposite. That makes for great storytelling to me, because stereotypes are what we can easily connect to. They're comfortable because it's already we what we wanted to believe was true. Then to subvert that narrative with another dimension of the character throws everything we know and thought out of whack.

To conclude: I want to illicit inner conflict with my work. I want audiences to question their own biases and criticisms of the world. I don't want to directly hold up a mirror to them, I want to point them toward the Bed, Bath and Beyond and say, "they've got a bunch of stuff in there you might like. A mirror might be one of them, but that's your choice." Does that make sense? No? Okay.

- Khalif J. Gillett

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